Court Records Search

Jackson County Circuit Court

Court Name: Jackson County Circuit Court
Court Type: Circuit Court
Address: 350 McAllister Street Room 1295, San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: 517-788-4268
Hours: Monday - Friday : 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Website URL:
Judge: Hon. Richard N. LaFlamme
Clerk: Amanda Riska
Parking: Juror parking is in Lot #1, which is located between Wesley and Franklin Streets at the far West end of the lot. A large sign indicating Lot #1 is at each entrance. Display the juror parking permit on the driver's side dashboard or hang from the rearview mirror. Failure to display the permit may result in a parking ticket, or towing of your vehicle at your expense. Parking instructions will be given in the daily recorded juror message. Handicap parking is available in the Sheriff's lot
County: Jackson

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