Wagoner County Court Records Search

Wagoner County Courts

Located in northeastern Oklahoma, Wagoner County has an estimated population of over 80,000. It is home to several notable archaeological sites and parts of Ozark Highlands. The county seat is Wagoner City.

Courts in Wagoner County

Wagoner County is part of the 15th Judicial District of Oklahoma. Its courts include the Wagoner County District Court and Municipal Courts.

The Wagoner County District Court has countywide jurisdiction over civil and criminal cases. Examples of civil matters within the court’s jurisdiction include torts, money claims, contract disputes, real estate cases, and small claims. The court also has jurisdiction over all criminal matters, including felony and misdemeanor hearings, arraignments, preliminary hearings, and probation. 

Furthermore, the District Court handles all family matters, including divorce, spousal support, and child custody cases, as well as juvenile matters like delinquency and dependency. The court also has jurisdiction over wills, estate administration, guardianships, and other probate matters.

The Municipal Courts operate within cities and towns in the county. They have jurisdiction over municipal ordinance violations and certain misdemeanors.  

Where to Find Public Court Records in Wagoner County

Different offices maintain and disseminate court records depending on the court that heard the case to which the record relates. Anyone can obtain records of the District Court by writing a record request letter to the Court Clerk. The request should state the case name and case number or either of them. Copies of the District Court records cost $1 for the first page and 50 cents for each subsequent page. Similarly, each Municipal Court maintains records of the cases it handles. Interested persons can access the records by contacting the relevant courthouse. Wagoner County court records are also available online through the statewide case search portal.

Types of Public Court Records in Wagoner County

Documents, dockets, orders, filings, pleadings, and other materials used or submitted in a case constitute court records in Wagoner County. These records are generally open to the public pursuant to state laws. Common examples of public court records in Wagoner County include:

  • Civil case records
  • Small claims records
  • Felony records
  • Misdemeanor records
  • Probate records

Confidential Court Records in Wagoner County

Certain court documents and materials are made confidential by statute in Wagoner County. These records become inaccessible to the public. Some examples of them are:

  • Mental health case records
  • Records sealed by court order
  • Juvenile case records
  • Adoption case records

Juvenile Delinquency in Wagoner, OK

Unfortunately, in many areas of the Wagoner County, juvenile delinquency offenses are on the rise. There are many reasons for the inflation in youth offenders. The juvenile sentence in Oklahoma often depends on the severity of the crime, the number of charges, and other family matters.

In 2017, a total of 186 juvenile cases were reported for every 100,000 people age 10 to adulthood in the jurisdiction of Wagoner County. Of that total, 100% of those proceedings were delinquencies which equaled 186 court cases. Another 0% were dependency cases that accounted for 0 of the juvenile cases.

A lot of counties, including, Wagoner County, are focusing on family counseling and relationships rather than punishment for juvenile crimes. Future Wagoner County juvenile delinquency tallies will show whether or not this approach is working.

Juvenile Cases Number of cases

Government of Wagoner County, OK

County Seat: Wagoner
Government Type: County
Authority: Dillon's Rule
Year Organized: 1907
Total Square Miles: 591
2019 Population: 78,657
Persons/Square Mile: 0.01
County Contact: 307 E Cherokee St
County Courthouse
Wagoner , OK 74467-4729

Wagoner County, OK Courts